
Obtaining troubleshooting logs and understanding the minimum system requirements for Windows operating system (OS) are both basic steps in troubleshooting issues.

Troubleshooting Logs

When softphone users encounter issues with the application, retrieve Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) logs, crash logs, or audio logs from their devices and send the files to the support team for troubleshooting purposes.

SIP Logs

SIP logs are generated by the softphone application. The logs contain communication details such as the application information, device information, network information, and error messages during calls or registration.

Enabling SIP Logging

SIP logging is not enabled by default. The softphone application collects troubleshooting logs once the logging function is enabled. To ensure that error details are recorded in the logs, users must enable this function before errors occur.

  1. Select Desktop application setting icon > Controls.

  2. Enable Log SIP traffic. The Troubleshooting option displays at the left navigation menu of the Settings window.

Retrieving SIP Logs

Softphone users can retrieve SIP logs in the application only after enabling the SIP logging function.


If users intend to reproduce an error and record its details in the log for troubleshooting, they must first enable the logging function. Refer to the Enabling SIP Logging section to turn on this function.

  1. Select Desktop application setting icon > Troubleshooting.


    To open the log, select the View button next to the View SIP logs option. The paths of other log folders, such as the application data and temp data, are visible in the SIP log header. If the support team requires these files for further investigation, use these paths to locate the files.

  2. Under SIP LOG, select the Export button next to the Export SIP log option. A Pick save location window displays.

  3. Change the file name or the location to save the files if needed.

  4. Select the Save button on the Pick save location window.

  5. Send the log text file to the support team.

Crash Logs

A crash log is generated by the softphone application when it crashes or encounters an error that causes it to shut down. The log contains the error details that are useful for diagnosing and debugging.

Retrieving Crash Logs

Softphone desktop application users can retrieve crash logs from their computers when they encounter an application shutdown, and send the files to the support team for investigation.

  1. On the user’s computer, select File Explorer.

  2. On the File Explorer window, select Local Disk (C:) > Users > {User name}.

  3. Select the AppData folder.


    If the AppData folder is not visible, select the View drop-down arrow from the top navigation menu of the window. Then, select Show > Hidden items.

  4. Select Local > {application ID}.storage > Troubleshoot > ProblemReports.

  5. Copy the crash log and send it to the support team.


    • The crash log is saved in the GZ file format.

    • {User name} denotes the user name registered in the computer; {application ID} denotes the application identifier.

Audio Logs

When the users encounter audio-related issues during calls, use audio logs for debugging. Once the users enable audio logging, a new audio log file is generated and stored on their computer every time a new call is made. Audio logs contain audio data recorded in multiple processing stages at intervals of one minute.

Enabling Audio Logging

Audio logging is not turned on by default. Turn on the logging function so that the softphone application starts collecting audio data for all active calls.

  1. Select Desktop application setting icon > Sound.

  2. Select the Advanced button next to Advanced sound settings.

  3. Enable Record audio data.

Retrieving Audio Logs

Softphone users can retrieve audio logs from their computers only after enabling the logging function. Refer to the Enabling Audio Logging section to turn on this function.

  1. On the user’s computer, select File Explorer.

  2. On the File Explorer window, select Local Disk (C:) > Users > {User name}.

  3. Select the AppData folder.


    If the AppData folder is not visible, select the View drop-down arrow from the top navigation menu of the window. Then, select Show > Hidden items.

4. Select Local > {application ID}.storage > Troubleshoot > DiagnosticData. The file name of an audio log file is generated based on the date and time when the call is initiated.


  • An audio log file contains audio data saved in WAV and .csv file formats.

  • {User name} denotes the user name registered in the computer; {application ID} denotes the application identifier.

  1. Copy the audio log and send it to the support team.


Users who install the softphone application via a .appx installer may encounter difficulty locating the Troubleshoot folder as stated in step 4. To locate the audio logs folder:

  1. Turn on SIP logging by following the steps in the Enabling SIP Logging section.

  2. Select Desktop application setting icon > Logs.

  3. Use the Troubleshoot file path displayed in the SIP header on the Logs screen to navigate to the Troubleshoot folder.

  4. Select DiagnosticData.

Dump Files

When users encounter unexpected unresponsiveness with the softphone application, generate and send a dump file to the support team to analyze the issue.

Retrieving Dump Files

Generate a dump file in Task Manager.

  1. To open Windows Task Manager:

    1. Press the ctrl + alt + delete keys.

    2. Select Task Manager.

  2. On the Task Manager window, right-click on the application.

  3. Select the Create dump file or Create memory dump file option. The system is generating the dump file.

  4. On the Collecting process memory dump dialogue box, select the Open file location button.

  5. Send a copy of the dump file to the support team.


    A dump file displays in the {application_name}.DMP name format.

Minimum System Requirements

To ensure the softphone application runs smoothly, the user devices must meet certain minimum system requirements.

OS Versions

The minimum supported OS version is Windows 10.

Hardware Recommendation

Our application is designed to be compatible with various deployment scenarios. However, to achieve optimal performance and provide optimal user experience, we recommend using dedicated hardware resources. This allows the application to have full access to the system’s resources, resulting in smoother operation and faster response times.

Our applications supports a variety of hardware and our recommendation are as follows:

  • Processors:

    • Epyc and newer models

    • Ryzen and newer models - minimum 4 cores and 2.4 GHz clock speed

    • Intel Skylake microarchitecture processors and newer - minimum 8 GB RAM.

  • Storage: Solid-state drive (SSD).