Cloud Softphone Portal Billing

After the softphone project owners are satisfied with their softphone application, and the app passes Acrobits quality assurance (QA) tests, they receive a notification requesting the first payment for the app publication.

Our billing includes a one-time setup fee for initial configuration and a monthly service fee for ongoing support and usage.

Use the instructions in this section to handle the payment of these fees:

Billing Cycle

Cloud Softphone operates on a 30-day billing cycle. When a project is transitioned from the Editable to Live version, the billing cycle is reset to day 0.

This reset process is implemented as a benefit to you. It ensures that if certain features or services are disabled or changed between versions, you will not be charged for unused services. This prevents potential overpayments as your configuration changes.


Refer to the Live and Editable Versions section to to learn more about these project statuses on the Cloud Softphone portal.