Web Service Contacts


Acrobits apps may use an external web service to load user’s contacts (address book). Web Service Contact Source can be used instead of native phone address book, or both phone address book, web service contacts and also CardDAV Contact Source can be used together. In case multiple contact sources are defined, the GUI lets the user switch between different sources.

Web Service contacts are obtained in two steps:

  1. The app calls the web service and receives response. This response is expected to be in JSON format and should contain an array of contact objects. If you are already working with an existing contacts web service that returns an XML response, you may still use that depending on the response format. Please refer to contacts-transformation and wsContactsXPath to learn more about utilising an existing XML contacts web service.

  2. Transform the returned response into an internal json contact representation used by the app

The apps will call the web service periodically at a configurable interval (the default is 180 seconds).

Contacts Source Web Service

Parameter templates for Contacts Source Web Service can use any variables from Global parameters and Account parameters scopes.

The web service is configured on global level, either by Cloud Softphone portal, or by setting the appropriate prefKeys directly for apps which use Acrobits SDK. The properties follow the general Acrobits Web Service Definition model, with prefix wsContacts:


Contains the URL, including URL scheme, of the web service, possibly also with query string.




The HTTP method to use. Typically GET or POST. The default is GET.


If filled in, the app will use POST request to call the web service.

Example ( for application/x-www-form-urlencoded):


Example ( for application/json ):

  "username" : "%account[username]%",
  "password" : "%account[password]%"


Specifies the value of Content-Type header to be sent in POST request. If not specified, the app will default to application/x-www-form-urlencoded

wsContactsAuthUsername, wsContactsAuthPassword

In case your server uses HTTP authentication, you can provide the username and password here. The apps support Basic and Digest authentication, but note that Basic authentication will only work when using https url scheme. The app will not send passwords over plaintext connection.




The period in seconds which determines how often will the app call the web service. The default is 180 seconds. The web service will only be called when the app is running in foreground.


In case the web service response returns XML which contains other information than just the list of contacts, this parameter tells the app where to look for contact data. See the examples for more information.


Defines the transformation between the format returned by the web service and contacts_json.


The response will be considered successful if the HTTP response code is 2xx. All other responses are silently ignored.

In case the successful response contains Last-Modified header, the app will remember it and send its value in the next request in If-Modified-Since header. The server is expected to return 304 Not Modified if the contacts have not changed since the last request.


It is highly recommended to include the Last-Modified header in the response and return 304 Not Modified response in case the contacts have not changed. The contacts can be quite big and fully reloading them periodically (the default period is only 3 minutes!) can consume very significant bandwidth.



wsContactsUrl           = https://example.com/contacts
wsContactsMethod        = POST
wsContactsContentType   = application/json
wsContactsPostData      = {"username" : "%account[username]%","password" : "%account[password]%"}


POST /example/contacts HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Connection: close
Cache-Control: max-age=0
User-Agent: CloudSoftphone/1.5.6
Content-Type: application/json
If-Modified-Since: Wed, 21 Oct 2017 06:28:00 GMT

{"username" : "johndow","password" : "12345"}


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 00:46:17 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
Content-Length: 3141
Content-Type: application/json
Last-Modified: Wed, 21 Oct 2017 07:28:00 GMT

    "contacts": [
            "avatar" : "http://example.com/image.png",
            "largeAvatar" : "http://example.com/largerImage.png",
            "birthday" : "1998-06-14",
            "checksum" : "DFC1490F899CB9FD",
            "contactEntries" : [
                    "entryId" : "0",
                    "label" : "home",
                    "type" : "tel",
                    "uri" : "555-610-6679"
                    "entryId" : "1",
                    "label" : "work",
                    "type" : "tel",
                    "uri" : "+420 276 285 602"
            "contactAddresses" : [
                    "addressId" : "0",
                    "label" : "home",
                    "city" : "Tiburon",
                    "country" : "USA",
                    "countryCode" : "us",
                    "state" : "CA",
                    "street" : "1747 Steuart Street",
                    "zip" : "94920"
            "contactId" : "E94CD15C-7964-4A9B-8AC4-10D7CFB791FD",
            "displayName" : "David Taylor",
            "fname" : "David",
            "lname" : "Taylor",
            "notes" : "Plays on Cole's Little League Baseball Team"
            "birthday" : "2012-10-15",
            "checksum" : "45d8bb50a8c04c91da7a96116611cc3b",
            "contactEntries" : [
                    "entryId" : "0",
                    "label" : "home",
                    "type" : "tel",
                    "uri" : "2300"
            "contactAddresses" : [
                    "addressId" : "0",
                    "city" : "East Michellefurt",
                    "country" : "Guam",
                    "countryCode" : "NI",
                    "label" : "home",
                    "state" : "Nebraska",
                    "street" : "327 Jamie Pike Apt. 239",
                    "zip" : "11525"
            "contactId" : "c181c63c0f3b42d69e71abf8c38064d4",
            "company" : "Amazon",
            "displayName" : "Brenda Patrick",
            "fname" : "Brenda",
            "lname" : "Patrick",
            "notes" : "Plays on Cole's Little League Baseball Team."


Each contact is a dictionary of key-value pairs, where keys are string identifiers and values are strings, or, in case of contactEntries, an array of dictionaries containing phone numbers, emails, urls of the contact. Additionally, there is contactAddresses, which is an array of dictionaries containing the addresses of the contact.


The strings inside contacts should use UTF-8 encoding.


Keys in main Contact dictionary:




















Keys in Contact Entry dictionray:





Keys in Contact Address dictionray:








Detailed description of keys

(except for those which are obvious)


Unique contact identifier which should not change. This field is required, contacts without this field will be ignored.


In addition to being required, contactId must be unique for each contact entry. If multiple contacts share the same contactId, web service contacts will not work.


String which will be shown in GUI when presenting the contact in in-call screen, contact list views etc.


A string value which should change whenever anything in the contact changes. In case you don’t provide one, we will generate it as SHA1 of all values in contact dictionary.

fname, mname, lname

First, Middle, Last names.

fnamePhonetic, mnamePhonetic, lnamePhonetic

Phonetic names, important for sorting contacts which use eastern alphabets (like Kanji).


ISO2 country code.


Contains array of dictionaries with phone numbers, emails or uris for the contact.


Unique identifier of entry. It only has to be unique within the contact where it belongs.


Type of contact entry. One of: tel, email, url .


The label of contact entry. For example, home, work, mobile etc.


The value of contact entry. The value depends on type, it is either a phone number, email or URL.


Contains array of dictionaries with addresses for the contact.


Unique identifier of address. It only has to be unique within the contact where it belongs.


The label of contact address. For example, home, work etc.

Transformation from XML

Example XML response

In case the webservice returns a response in the following XML like below, we need to define a transformation which will map the xml nodes to Contacts JSON keys.

                <creationDate>2018-01-01 16:10:45</creationDate>
                <lastModified>2018-01-01 17:20:13</lastModified>
                <homeCity>East Michellefurt</homeCity>
                <homeStreet>327 Jamie Pike Apt. 239</homeStreet>
                <creationDate>2018-01-01 16:10:45</creationDate>
                <lastModified>2018-03-05 17:22:10</lastModified>

In cases where the contacts tag is nested within other tags, we need to specify the wsContactsXPath to locate the contacts node correctly. The app will use the wsContactsXPath to get to the node with contact elements. For the above XML, the wsContactsXPath would be:


Defining the Transformation

To map the XML nodes to the JSON keys, we need to define the wsContactsKeywordMapping strings. For the above XML, we will use two different mappings:

Mapping 1:


The transformation will map the XML nodes to the JSON keys as follows:

    "contacts": [
            "avatar" : "8FAA3B8F02636F20C551C26D04C0E817121CBA20",
            "avatar_URL" : "https://example.com/avatar.png",
            "checksum" : "2018-01-01 17:20:13",
            "company" : "",
            "contactEntries" : [
                    "entryId" : "0",
                    "type" : "tel",
                    "uri" : "224"
            "contactAddresses": [
                    "addressId" : "0",
                    "city" : "East Michellefurt",
                    "state" : "CA",
                    "zip": "11525",
                    "country": "Guam",
                    "street": "327 Jamie Pike Apt. 239"
            "contactId" : "d111a2e3-b806-40ce-955b-52c31996a4c7",
            "creationDate" : "2018-01-01 16:10:45",
            "departmentName" : "",
            "fname" : "Jason",
            "lname" : "Bourne",
            "id" : "1",
            "largeAvatar" : "07181300F304ED840D050AB428657AB46EA10A7E",
            "largeAvatar_URL" : "https://example.com/largeAvatar.png"
            "checksum" : "2018-03-05 17:22:10",
            "company" : "",
            "contactEntries" : [
                    "entryId" : "0",
                    "type" : "tel",
                    "uri" : "226"
            "contactId" : "156eea0b-872f-4e44-844b-ee19c9b3fa46",
            "creationDate" : "2018-01-01 16:10:45",
            "departmentName" : "",
            "fname" : "James",
            "id" : "3",
            "lname" : "Bond"

The transformation is a string with comma-separated entries in the form xmlNodeName=jsonKey. In the above example, we use the correct key names for first and last name, company, department and contact identifier. The web service result provides lastModified value, which we can use as our internal checksum (the value will change whenever the contact data are modified).

Mapping 2:

This particular XML response uses only one phone number per contact and one address per contact. In order to map multiple phone numbers or addresses, we can use the following syntax:


Using this mapping it is possible to specify a label of the particular entry in contactEntries and contactAddresses. It will create tree phone numbers with labels ext, work and home with values from XML nodes extension, workNumber and homeNumber and tree contact addresses with labels home and work respectively.

    "contacts": [
            "avatar" : "8FAA3B8F02636F20C551C26D04C0E817121CBA20",
            "avatar_URL" : "https://example.com/avatar.png",
            "checksum" : "2018-01-01 17:20:13",
            "company" : "",
            "contactEntries" : [
                    "entryId" : "0",
                    "label" : "ext",
                    "type" : "tel",
                    "uri" : "224"
            "contactAddresses": [
                    "addressId" : "0",
                    "label" : "home",
                    "city" : "East Michellefurt",
                    "state" : "CA",
                    "zip": "11525",
                    "country": "Guam",
                    "street": "327 Jamie Pike Apt. 239"
            "contactId" : "d111a2e3-b806-40ce-955b-52c31996a4c7",
            "creationDate" : "2018-01-01 16:10:45",
            "departmentName" : "",
            "fname" : "Jason",
            "lname" : "Bourne",
            "id" : "1",
            "largeAvatar" : "07181300F304ED840D050AB428657AB46EA10A7E",
            "largeAvatar_URL" : "https://example.com/largeAvatar.png"
            "checksum" : "2018-03-05 17:22:10",
            "company" : "",
            "contactEntries" : [
                    "entryId" : "0",
                    "label" : "ext",
                    "type" : "tel",
                    "uri" : "226"
            "contactId" : "156eea0b-872f-4e44-844b-ee19c9b3fa46",
            "creationDate" : "2018-01-01 16:10:45",
            "departmentName" : "",
            "fname" : "James",
            "id" : "3",
            "lname" : "Bond"

Transformation from JSON

The process of transforming JSON data involves mapping the fields in the input JSON to the desired output format. Below, we will illustrate this transformation using two examples of JSON responses. The mappings and outputs required for this transformation have already been defined earlier in the document and are referenced here for clarity.

Example JSON response

    "contacts": [
            "avatar": "https://example.com/avatar.png",
            "largeAvatar": "https://example.com/largeAvatar.png",
            "firstName": "Jason",
            "lastName": "Bourne",
            "extension": "224",
            "id": "1",
            "uniqueId": "d111a2e3-b806-40ce-955b-52c31996a4c7",
            "organization": "",
            "organizationalUnit": "",
            "creationDate": "2018-01-01 16:10:45",
            "lastModified": "2018-01-01 17:20:13",
            "homeCity": "East Michellefurt",
            "homeState": "Nebraska",
            "homeZipCode": "11525",
            "homeStreet": "327 Jamie Pike Apt. 239",
            "homeCountry": "Guam"
            "firstName": "James",
            "lastName": "Bond",
            "extension": "226",
            "id": "2",
            "uniqueId": "156eea0b-872f-4e44-844b-ee19c9b3fa46",
            "organization": "",
            "organizationalUnit": "",
            "creationDate": "2018-01-01 16:10:45",
            "lastModified": "2018-03-05 17:22:10"

To transform the above JSON, we will use the mappings defined earlier. These mappings specify how each field in the input JSON should be transformed to the output format.

Mapping 1:

Mapping 1 provides a straightforward transformation where each field in the JSON is mapped directly to its corresponding field in the output. Refer to the detailed definition of Mapping 1 here

This mapping includes fields such as:

  • firstName mapped to fname

  • lastName mapped to lname

  • organization mapped to company

  • uniqueId mapped to contactId

  • lastModified mapped to checksum

  • extension mapped to contactEntries:tel

  • Address fields like homeCity, homeState, homeZipCode, homeStreet, and homeCountry mapped to contactAddresses

See the detailed output for Mapping 1 here.

By applying Mapping 1, the transformation ensures that the fields from the input JSON are correctly mapped and structured as per the requirements. This process helps in converting the input data into a standardized format, making it easier to handle and process.

Mapping 2:

Mapping 2 is used for more complex transformations, especially when there are multiple phone numbers or addresses per contact. This mapping introduces labels to distinguish between different types of phone numbers and addresses. Refer to the detailed definition of Mapping 2.

This mapping includes fields such as:

  • firstName mapped to fname

  • lastName mapped to lname

  • organization mapped to company

  • uniqueId mapped to contactId

  • lastModified mapped to checksum

  • Different types of phone numbers like extension, workNumber, homeNumber mapped to contactEntries_ext:tel, contactEntries_work:tel, contactEntries_home:tel

  • Different types of addresses like homeCity, homeState, homeZipCode, homeStreet, and homeCountry mapped to contactAddresses_home:city, contactAddresses_home:state, contactAddresses_home:zip, contactAddresses_home:street, contactAddresses_home:country

See the detailed output for Mapping 2 here. This output illustrates how the input JSON fields are mapped to the corresponding output fields, including the use of labels for different types of phone numbers and addresses.