================= Quick Start Guide ================= This section demonstrates a quick start setup to use **Facade SDK** on your Android and/or iOS projects. Use the following steps to build and run your application on a device or emulator: .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. _facade licensing portal registration: --------------------------------------------- Step 1: Register on Acrobits Licensing Portal --------------------------------------------- You must be register an account on **Acrobits Licensing Portal** at `saas.acrobits.net `_ to access licenses and credentials required to use Facade SDK. -------------------------- Step 2: Add SDK Dependency -------------------------- .. tabs:: .. tab:: Android 1. Open your project in Android Studio and locate the ``build.gradle`` file. 2. To enable your project to fetch the necessary dependencies from the Acrobits repository, add the following lines to the repositories block in the ``build.gradle`` file: .. code-block:: groovy :linenos: maven { url "https://maven.acrobits.net/repository/maven-releases/" credentials { } } .. note:: * Replace ```` with the application identifier and ```` with the license key. * The license key can be obtained from the portal after completing `Step 1: Register on Acrobits Licensing Portal`_. 3. To include the Facade dependency in your project: a. Open the module-level ``build.gradle`` file. b. Add the following line within the dependencies block: .. code-block:: groovy :linenos: dependencies { implementation 'cz.acrobits.libsoftphone:facade:' } .. note:: Replace ```` with the SDK version number. To obtain the version number, go to **Releases overview** at `dist.acrobits.net/changelog `_. .. tab:: iOS .. _ios-adding-facade-dependency-start: 1. Open your Xcode project. 2. Select the **Package Dependencies** tab. 3. Select the **+** button. 4. In the **Enter Package URL** field, add the URL of the Facade Swift package https://github.com/acrobits/DeliveryHeroSoftphoneFacade.git. 5. Select the **Add Package** button. After adding the dependency, Xcode automatically includes the ``Softphone`` and ``Softphone_Swift`` dependencies. .. _ios-adding-facade-dependency-end: --------------------------------- Step 3: Set up Push Notifications --------------------------------- To enable the push functionality, you have to configure push notifications in your application. The process differs based on the platform you are developing for. To read the detailed procedures, go to the :ref:`Android Push notifications` and :ref:`iOS Push notifications` sections. -------------------------------- Step 4: Build and Verify the SDK -------------------------------- .. tabs:: .. tab:: Android Synchronize your project with the Gradle files by clicking the **Sync Now** button in the toolbar of Android Studio. This fetches the SDK and makes it available for use in your application. Once the sync is complete, you can proceed with integrating and configuring Facade SDK in your Android application to build VoIP applications. .. tab:: iOS Open your Xcode project and build your project. This is to verify that the SDK is correctly integrated into the project and ensure that you can use its features. After verifying the setup is complete, you can proceed to integrate and configure Facade SDK in your application. Next, explore our documentation and sample projects to learn more about using the SDK to build VoIP applications. If you encounter any issues, you may refer to our documentation or go to Acrobits Support at `acrobits.net/support `_ to get assistance. Happy integrating!