Upgrading your SIPIS installation

Backing Up

We recommend that you create a full backup of your SIPIS machine regularly. When doing SIPIS upgrades (or when moving SIPIS to a different machine) your backup needs to include at least the following items:

  • Files from /etc/sipis/ (usually sipis.key and Settings.xml)

  • Your TLS certificates and keys.

  • The sipis database (it is unusable without sipis.key file).

  • Your username and password for Acrobits’ repository (however, you can get a new one from Acrobits).

Configuration files version

Occassionally we make changes to a default configuration file. In that case the upgrade process will ask you if you want to replace the configuration file by the new version. This is Debian’s package manager asking you. If this happens, you should answer No so that you keep your currently-installed version.

New version from the package will be installled with the suffix .dpkg-dist. If you answered Yes, your version will be renamed by adding suffix .dpkg-old. In both cases you should check the differences between the old and new version to decide what settings you think are best for you.

Regular upgrading

Regular upgrading means upgrading without moving between Debian versions. This upgrade is usually as simple as running

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

The upgrade will stop SIPIS server, install a new version and start it again.


This upgrades all Debian packages. If you want to upgrade only SIPIS, run apt-get update && apt-get install sipis.


Make sure that you have only this server set up as NotificationServer in your Settings.xml file: <NotificationServer Name="*" Host="pnm.cloudsoftphone.com" Port="6552" Premium="No" RequiresTls="Yes" />

Upgrading to version 4.x

Version 4.x of SIPIS (released for Debian 12 Bookworm) uses a new database schema. If you upgrade SIPIS to version 4.x by installing the packages over the old ones, SIPIS will continue using the old schema but will not be able to use all the new features. To use the new features, you need to upgrade the database schema manually using this guide.

Migrating to a different server

Migrating SIPIS installation to a different machine is fairly straightforward procedure.

  • Do a clean installation of SIPIS on the target machine.

  • Stop SIPIS on both source and target machines.

  • Move the database between the machines: that means dropping the database on the new server (if you created it), and importing the database from the old server.

  • Copy contents of /etc/sipis to the new server (replacing ones from the installation).

Upgrading to Debian 9 – Stretch


There were signififant changes between sipis packages for Debian 8 and Debian 9. This section is left here for reference only.

We replaced the parts of SIPIS infrastructure in the new version of SIPIS for Debian 9 Stretch. The upgrade to new Debian version (and new versions of SIPIS) requires several manual steps. We assume that you are running Debian 8 Jessie which hosts only SIPIS installed using our installation guide and no other service. Even if that is not the case, you or your system administrator should be able to use this guide to do the upgrade.


If you want to use new SIPIS in Debian 8 Jessie, you can use SIPIS from our Stretch repository. In the first step change only Acrobits.list file and skip step 5 (upgrading postgres database). We did not push these updates to Jessie repository because they require manual changes to configuration.

  1. Update addresses to Debian repositories. In the files /etc/apt/sources.list (this is for Debian upgrade) and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/Acrobits.list (this is for SIPIS upgrade) replace every occurence of jessie with stretch. For example the Acrobits.list file should now read.

    deb http://username:password@dist.acrobits.cz/debian stretch main


    These packages will work also on Debian 10 Buster.

  2. Run:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

This will install a new version of Debian and new version of SIPIS package. However, there are more steps that need to be done.

  1. Install our new package named loadbalancer2 that will replace bridgetcpudp package:

apt-get install loadbalancer2
  1. Remove file /etc/stunnel/tcpudpbridge.conf if it exists (if you are using TLS).

  2. (optional) Upgrade postgresql database from 9.4 (default in Debian 8 Jessie) to 9.6 (default in Debian 9 Stretch).


    If you do not fully understand this step, skip it. This step may cause you to lose data. Your sipis should still work without this.

The following three commands will upgrade postgreql database. Replace NEWVERSION and OLDVERSION with appropriate version (9.4 and 9.6 for upgrade from Debian 8 to Debian 9).

pg_dropcluster --stop NEWVERSION main
pg_upgradecluster OLDVERSION main
pg_dropcluster OLDVERSION main
  1. Edit /etc/sipis/Settings.xml file and change Server Port from 4998 to 14998 (do NOT change Name parameter) For example:

<Server Name="SipisOne" Address="" Port="14998" />
  1. If you use TLS, edit file /etc/acrobits/LoadBalancer2/Settings.xml:

    • Uncomment Tls section.

    • Uncomment Certificate and PrivateKey in DefaultTlsOptions section.

    • Provide path to Certificate and PrivateKey.


Certificate and PrivateKey must be readable by user sipis.

  1. Enable start of LoadBalancer2:

    systemctl enable LoadBalancer2.service
  2. Reboot the machine